What is God up to in the BC Synod?

How can we learn what the Spirit is doing in our world?
What experiments can help us get to know and journey with our neighbours?

Stepping out and trying something new can be scary. Being brave, taking risks, and putting ourselves out there in our neighbourhoods can be daunting. Rooted in God's unconditional love, we are washed by the waters of grace that free us from striving for perfection and success. In Christ Jesus, we have the freedom to take risks and to discern God's presence that is alive and active in our world. So are you ready to explore and experiment? Have any ideas how to hear, see, learn, and join in what God is up to in your community?

BC Synod Missions Committee supports congregations in their ministries and encourages exploration of new ministry opportunities through the ELCIC Mission Fund (formerly CECF) grants. The grants have supported neighbourhood BBQs, wall murals, book nooks, community kitchens, art events, and more. All ideas that help us connect with our neighbours and the community are welcome. You can find more about the grants here

The committee also encourages and facilitates sharing of stories and experiences, so that we can learn from one another all across the synod. 

Congregational Renewal Team

Starting in 2012, BC Synod encouraged all its congregations to enter Missional Renewal process to renew and refresh their ministries. Congregational Renewal Team was created to support congregations through the process. While Missional Renewal has morphed since, the Team is still active and works to support congregations in their ministries. They now work together with the synod's Missions Committee