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Stepping out and trying something new can be scary. Being brave, taking risks, and putting ourselves out there in our neighbourhoods can be daunting. Rooted in God's unconditional love, we are washed by the waters of grace that free us from striving for perfection and success. In Christ Jesus, we have the freedom to take risks and to discern God's presence that is alive and active in our world. So are you ready to explore and experiment? Have any ideas how to hear, see, learn, and join in what God is up to in your community?  

The Missions Committee is now accepting CECF Experiment Applications for the April intake.  Deadline to apply is April 15, 2023

Download Guide to BC Synod Experiments and CECF application form. 
If you have any other questions or would like to discuss your experiment prior to making an application, please feel free to contact our synod's Mission Consultant, through the BC Synod at or 604-524-1318