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September 21 is the International Day of Peace. It is a time to lay down weapons and observe ceasefire, but more so a time for people to see each other's humanity. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly's adoption of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. The ideas of peace and the culture of peace needs to be cultivated in the minds of children and communities through formal and informal education, across countries and generations. Individuals and congregations are invited to pray not only for this time but always. 

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Together We Pray for the World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel
On the third week of September, people of faith join together in worship and prayer to observe the World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel (WWPPI). This is a call for participants to work for an end to the occupation, and call for just peace in Palestine and Israel. The World Council of Churches (WCC) announced the theme for the 2024 World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel, to be observed on September 16 to 22 of this year. This week includes the UN International Day of Peace on September 21, now in its 25th year. The theme is: "Whatever you did for me" (Matthew 25:40), based on the larger context of Matthew 25:35-40. During the World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel, church organizations, congregations, and people of faith are encouraged to bear a common witness by participating in worship events, educational events, and acts of support in favour of peace and justice for Palestine and Israel. To learn more, please click here.