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Dear Friends, 
With joy I am happy to announce that the BC Synod Council at its meeting last weekend voted unanimously to extend a half time call to Elina Singh for Specialized Ministry as Assistant to the Bishop. She will also continue in her work as Executive Assistant.  
I am delighted to confirm that Elina has accepted this call. She will be ordained on Saturday, May 18th at 10am at First Lutheran in Vancouver.  
This timing will help ensure that Elina's family overseas will be able to join us online.  The service will be live-streamed on First Lutheran's YouTube channel
In addition, Elina is inviting us to join for a potluck lunch. What a great way to start her ministry. You are invited to bring a dish that does not require warming up, to keep it easier for the kitchen volunteers.
Masks are encouraged for everyone’s comfort and safety.
To contribute to our shared celebration, rostered leaders are invited to vest. The liturgical colour is red.
I hope you will join us!
Bishop Kathy and BC Synod Council

Download the invitation here 

Download Bishop Kathy's letter here