The Worship and Arts Ministry Team of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories invites you to join an in-depth planning workshop focusing on the Easter Season through Pentecost Sunday. This season, 50 days in length, celebrates the mystery and wonder of the resurrection of Christ and ends with Pentecost. Each Sunday carries a slightly different theme, or aspect, of what the risen Christ means for us individually and as community.
Together, participants will...
This virtual planning session is the third in a series offered by the Synod's Worship and Arts Ministry Team and for the first time is being offered to other synods across the ELCIC. It is offered to all, with an emphasis towards lay leadership teams and rostered leaders involved in seasonal worship planning.
The powerpoint used will be distributed to registrants following the workshop. Previous workshop materials are available on the Synod website.
The facilitators for this workshop will be Gail Berg (ABT Synod) and Lorraine Reinhardt (BC Synod), both Synod representatives on the National Worship Planning Team.
Registration is available here.
Registration will be accepted until noon on March 1, 2024.