The God of scripture seems to enjoy surprising humans by sending what is holy in the form of what is humble. This year’s study conference is designed as a celebration of the ordinary and abundant gifts for which we have not properly given thanks, even though they have quite literally sustained us.
The theme, “New wine and mustard sandwiches: an unexpected feast,” will shape our prayer and worship time together. As an experiment for 2025, there will not be a guest lecturer this year. Instead, we will use this time to hold space for the community to share a rich variety of humble, holy, life-giving things with one another.
You are invited to begin thinking about something you might offer to your peers at the conference. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or complicated, you won’t be singled out if you don’t bring something, and you don’t have to tell anyone what you’re bringing ahead of time. (Potluck rules are in effect. You’ve got this!)
You can bring anything you want to offer, share, explore, discuss, teach, or co-create. It might be a skill, technique, activity, craft, game, project, hobby, passion, practice, discipline, recipe, movement, question, idea, insight, initiative, proposal, theory, dance, book, show, article, poem, paper, song, hymn, prayer, devotion, text, or treatise.
You are also invited to bring along something to drink or eat that might be new to others because it comes from the place you come from. This gathering will be BYOB - snacks and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided.
The conference will be held from Monday May 5 - Wednesday May 7 2025 at Loon Lake Lodge in Maple Ridge. Plan to arrive at 3 pm on Monday and depart at noon on Wednesday.
Note: Fees below are based on double occupancy. A private room may be booked for an additional $50 fee subject to availability. A late registration surcharge of $75 will apply if registering after March 31. Please note that you may not be guaranteed a private bathroom. Space is limited, so please register early.
As we recognize our need for Reconciled Relationships, the BC Synod Study Conference Planning Committee waives the registration fee for those congregations served by IBPOC (Indigenous, Black, Person Of Colour) rostered leaders who bear the largest burden of systemic racism in our synod. This is a small action in the spirit of reparation in our work towards becoming an anti-racist synod.
Early Bird Rates (registered before March 31, 2025)
Active Rostered Leader under Call - $650
Specialized Ministry, Chaplain, Retired rostered leader, Deacon - $300
CTEL Student or Intern - $250
Spouse (covers meals and accommodations) - $150