Welcome to Canada

Moving to a new country is not easy. Whether you arrive as a refugee or a skilled worker, alone or with a family, there are many challenges in managing daily life. 

Many congregations in BC Synod support newcomers to Canada in various ways. Some congregations have sponsored refugees, helping families settle in their new lives in a safe country. Others provide English conversation classes to all who are new. Many have welcomed immigrants into membership and leadership of the congregations. 

Welcome Angels

Welcome Angels started as a Lutheran ministry in the Eastern Synod of the ELCIC. The ministry's goal is to connect volunteer churches to newcomers to Canada, creating community support for those settling to a new life here. 


The Welcome Church Initiative is named “Welcome Angels,” with the aim to show radical love and hospitality in Christ, to care for the practical, social, and spiritual needs of the newcomers.

OUR MISSION: Connecting & Referring

Our mission is to receive anyone who has newly settled in Canada, connect and refer them to local welcome angels and a local welcoming church.

在一個新的國家安頓下來並不容易。有很多新的東西需要學習,要尋找新的資訊,會遇到很多新的朋友。 但是你不需要一個人需要獨自面對。我們希望與您建立聯繫,我們來自當地歡迎教會的接待天使, 將與您一起同行。


我們歡迎與接待的事工名為 “接待天使” 。我們的價值是在基督裡表現出的愛和接待。去關心他們的實際,社交和屬靈的需要。

我們的使命: 聯繫與轉介


Click here for more information.

Is there a ministry you know about that could be included on this page? Contact the synod office to let us know!