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Advent and Christmas Worship Resources

" The season of Advent begins a new church year and begins the cycle of telling the story of Jesus’ life and ministry. Advent takes on a more subdued tone than one might expect of a new year. Rather than beginning the new year as a race, Advent is about waiting and waiting along with the people of Israel for the Messiah...."  an excerpt from the new resources posted on

Lorraine Reinhardt, Chair of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada Program Committee for Worship, kindly advises that there are new Advent and Christmas worship orders available on These include -  Where Two or Three Are Gathered: Worship for Small Assemblies Advent through Christmas Year B - Dec 2023 through January 2024


Advent Cycle of Prayer: For the Churches in the Holy Land and the Middle East 

Archbishop and Primate Linda Nicholls of the Anglican Church of Canada, Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry of The Episcopal Church, National Bishop Susan C. Johnson of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, are sharing for Advent a cycle of prayer featuring prayers for each day throughout the season for specific congregations, ministries, and outreach initiatives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) and the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (EDI). The prayers, written personally by the Presiding/National/Primatial bishops of the four churches, focus on themes of truth, justice, peace, and hope. Members and congregations of the four churches are encouraged to uphold our siblings in prayer. To read and download the full 2023 Advent Cycle of Prayer, please click here.


Advent Study Guide 2023 on Bonhoeffer's Book Now Available 

The Study Guide on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Advent mediations, "God is in the Manger" is now available. These mediations are largely pulled from Bonhoeffer's writings during his two-year imprisonment under the Nazi regime, from 1943 to the end of his life in 1945. The Study Guide which is set up in four chapters, one for each week of Advent to accompany the four sets of weekly readings in God is in the Manger, suggested spiritual practices and discussion questions to encourage you to engage in Bonhoeffer's reflections more deeply. The resource can be done by an individual or by a study group from your congregation or online. The Study Guide can be downloaded now when you click here or can be mailed out to you for free; while the book God is in the Manger can be purchased to help accompany the Study Guide. For more information, please click here.


Lutherans Connect Advent Devotional 

"During Advent, we experience the season of darkness, the darkest time of the year.... As we journey together through Advent darkness, Celtic spirituality and Celtic Christianity can help us find the goodness that is already present abundantly — in the darkness, in the light, and in all of the wondrous colours of Creation. The progression through Advent to the birth of Jesus, followed by the days of Christmastide leading to Epiphany carry stories of darkness and light in relationship to each other. How can our faith be renewed by these stories, as we also celebrate the incarnation of Jesus as one of us?

Join us daily from December 3rd to January 6th as we explore the Celtic love of Creation that celebrates God's goodness at all times of the night and day. Using images, scripture, music, art, and in this series the natural life of creatures, we will reconnect to the world God made and of which we are a part.

Thank you for joining us once again in this holy season of waiting.
I am looking forward to our journey together.
May the peace of Christ be with you!"

Deacon Sherry
for Lutherans Connect

Write to to let them know you want to subscribe, or find them on Facebook.


Preparing for Christmas - with Prayer  

Pr. Bruce Ehlert (ELCIC, Saskatchewan Synod) prepares daily prayers during Advent. You can subscribe to his prayer emails here. 



Blessings as we prepare the way!