Celebrate Black History Month with a Video Series and a Sunday Service
Black History Month is a time for all of us to both celebrate and uplift the achievements and contributions of African Canadians, as well as recognizing and learning more about the historic and systemic challenges people of African descent were and are still faced with in Canada. To that end, the Racial Justice Committee of the Eastern Synod will be releasing a series of videos over the next three weeks to provide you with opportunities to learn more about Black History Month and listen to racialized perspectives from across the Synod. Finally, the Racial Justice Committee and Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, Waterloo, invite you to conclude the month by joining Mt. Zion's Black History Month Service, either in person or by live stream, on Sunday, February 23 at 11:00 a.m. (Eastern Time). To learn more, please click here.
Black Anglicans of Canada's AGM Coming Up - February 15
Black Anglicans of Canada (BLAC) will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday, February 15 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time via Zoom. This gathering will provide a platform for Black Lutherans to share their own experiences, voice their concerns, and work collaboratively towards solutions that benefit their entire Anglican and Lutheran communion. For more information, please visit their website when you click here or send an email to The Rev. Wilson Akinwale, National Board Chair, Black Anglicans of Canada at blackanglicans@gmail.com or email Carmen Ramirez, Assistant to the Bishop for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at cramirez@elcic.ca.