Officers of each of the synods and national church gathered in Winnipeg, January 16-19, 2025, for a consultation titled Facing Today—Dreaming for the Future. This consultation arose as a result of a motion of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada's (ELCIC) National Church Council.
The elected leaders of our church worked collaboratively exploring issues of sustaining congregational ministry, human resources, and the financial challenges faced by many synods and the national church. They also considered the need for possible new structures to hold our church for the future.
Facilitated by the Very Rev. Peter Elliott, and led by our chaplains, the officers prayed frequently as they worked to discern how the Holy Spirit is leading us into God’s grace and unconditional love. Striving to be a healthy church, much time was spent in discerning vision priorities for the whole of the ELCIC. A full report of the consultation will be presented to National Church Council and to Synod Councils at their spring meetings.