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A new prayer resource will be of interest to Lutherans who pray the Daily Office. Published by the Anglican Church of Canada, Pray Without Ceasing transforms the Daily Office from the Book of Alternative Services by incorporating Anglican, Lutheran and additional ecumenical sources into a more comprehensive format for morning and evening prayers.

The book is structured into sections corresponding to the seasons of the Church year and features an updated Liturgical Psalter for the Book of alternative Services. These enhancements have resulted in a clear step-by-step approach to the practice of daily prayer and reflection, making Pray Without Ceasing a must-have resource for Anglicans and Lutherans.

With its straightforward layout, Pray Without Ceasing invites Anglicans and Lutherans to deepen their faith, join with the wider Church in prayer, and maintain formative patterns in the rhythm of spiritual life. This resource is available as a coil-bound book or in e-book format and may be purchased through the Anglican Church's e-store. For more details and to avail this resource, please click here.