The next triennial convention of the BC Synod will be held June 20-23, 2024 in person at Walter Gage Residence on the UBC campus in Vancouver.
The theme of the convention is “One Body, One Spirit, One Hope.” This was the theme of the 2023 LWF Assembly in Krakow, Poland.
Convention information:
You can access the live streams of our business sessions here:
Only the business sessions were recorded. We were not able to record our worship due to copyright restrictions.
BC Synod Convention registration is now closed. If you still need to register, please contact the synod office.
The registration cost is $750 for each lay and clergy delegate, inclusive of accommodation for those at a distance. We realize the cost of the convention is high. If this is a barrier to your congregation, please contact the synod office.
Accommodations are available at the Walter Gage Residence on the UBC Campus. They are located in buildings adjacent to the meeting space. To help manage our convention budget, only these accommodation options will be eligible for reimbursement.
It is expected that delegates needing to travel more than 45 minutes (each way) to attend the Convention will stay in the Residence rooms; however, each Delegate may have personal circumstances affecting their choice to stay in the Residence so this option is available to everyone.
We will be selecting several new members to the BC Synod Council.
All nominees must fill out a biographical form for Synod Council.
We will also be selecting synod representatives to the LTS Board of Governors.
All nominees must fill out a biographical for for LTS Board of Governors.
The Committee on Nominations invites you to nominate people to serve as delegates for the 2025 ELCIC National Convention.
The BC Synod is able to send 20 delegates to the National Convention, which will be held in Winnipeg, MB, July 10-13, 2025. The 20 delegates allocated for the BC Synod are to come from across the four regions of our synod. At its April 2024 meeting the BC Synod council will determine the geographic allocation of delegates for 2025.
For 2025:
Total = 20 delegates = 12 lay (inclusive of at least 4 delegates aged 16-30), 8 Rostered delegates.
The Committee on Nominations would like to receive nominations by April 21st so that the biographical information of nominees may be included in the Bulletin of Reports. Further nominations can be made at the BC Synod convention.
The election of these nominated delegates will take place at the upcoming BC Synod Convention, June 20 – 23, 2024 (to be held at UBC, Vancouver).
The Synod will make every reasonable effort to ensure that at least four of the delegates are between 16 and 30 years of age at the start of the 2025 ELCIC National Convention.
Attached to this letter is a document outlining the nominations and election of BC Synod Delegates to ELCIC National Conventions. It describes the process for nominating people for consideration and the election process. You can download it here.
Please pay particular attention to the two sections titled “Who Is Eligible to Serve as a delegate?” as well as the “How Does the Nomination Process Work.”
Also attached to this letter is the “Nomination Form for BC Synod Delegates to 2025 ELCIC National Convention,” which is to be completed by the congregational chairperson or the group nominating the candidate, and sent to synod office.
The nominees need to complete biographical information form, found here.
Thank your participation in selecting nominees for our 2025 ELCIC National Convention.
With deep appreciation for this work that we share,
Bishop Kathy Martin
You can download a printable version of this letter here.