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The role of Faith Actors and Governments in ensuring a just energy transition and mitigating climate change through a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. 

Despite the evidence, governments worldwide still plan to produce more than twice the amount of coal, oil, and gas, consistent with a 1.5°C world, according to the Production Gaps Report. The Fossil Fuels Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative (FFNPT) strives for an international regime that complements the Paris Agreement by addressing the supply side of fossil fuels.  This year, the SoC Committee decided to push for adopting the FFNPT. 

Date and Time: September 10th, 9:00 New York, 14:00 London, 15:00 Geneva/Brussels, 16:00 Istambul, 21:00 Manila - that's 6am in BC

You can access the webinar here - registration is not required.