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Season of Creation calls us to hope and to act with Creation by contributing to a better world by signing on to the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. One of the current wounds the Earth suffers from is climate change and its intimate relationship with CO2 emissions emanating from fossil fuel consumption. As a result, we are now confronting the consequences of selfish and ill-advised decisions that ignore the plight of those affected by climate change and ecological devastation.

You are invited to join the call of Season of Creation to move away from fossil fuels. Its leaders seek a balance between urgency and lasting transformation, trusting God's guidance. For this, they direct us to an instrument of global civil society that can help generate long-term transformational change. While it is important for everyone to take their own small steps to address the climate challenge by biking to work, turning down the thermostat, using LED bulbs, etc., you are asked to advocate for climate justice by adding your name to the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. FFNPT is a global effort to foster international cooperation to accelerate a transition to renewable energy for everyone.

You can discover more here. 

A message from the BC Synod Climate Justice Action Group