The ELCIC and CLWR work in partnership to foster sustainable development in communities around the world, including here in Canada. This work includes challenging the causes and responding to the consequences of injustice and poverty through Compassionate Justice Initiatives.  The BC Synod is accepting applications for funds for such initiatives.

Priority will be given to project proposals which:

  1. Build awareness on hunger and poverty issues as well as solutions through education, leadership development and advocacy.
  2. Focus on domestic hunger and poverty issues with priority given to:
    a. Food security (i.e. production, distribution, acquisition, nutrition, land use); b. Employment (i.e. job training, counselling, placement, child care); c. Development (i.e. preventative and primary health care, water and sanitation, literacy, housing, social services, environmental issues).
  3. Are well planned in cooperation with and build on the social, cultural and spiritual resources of people who have access to limited material resources.
  4. Promote self-reliance.
  5. Operate in collaboration with other ecumenical and social services partners.

The closing date for grant applications is March 15, 2025.  Please note that your project must be completed by the end of the 2025 calendar year, and a report of your project will be required by January 31, 2026.  

Please send your completed application form to  The Compassionate Justice application form can be found on the BC Synod website or click here to download the form.  Recipients will be informed shortly after the closing date.